Imagine if overflowing landfills could turn 100% of their waste into sellable, useful materials. Gravitas Carbotura believes it has achieved that goal. Its Zero-Fill system diverts trash from landfills, requires no waste sorting and costs landfills nothing. In addition, the company captures carbo
Imagine if overflowing landfills could turn 100% of their waste into sellable, useful materials. Gravitas Carbotura believes it has achieved that goal. Its Zero-Fill system diverts trash from landfills, requires no waste sorting and costs landfills nothing. In addition, the company captures carbo
Due to growing regulations regarding environmental protection, tire recycling has become significant. Tire is a major source of waste due to which tire recycling is required to tackle this waste. A tire shredder is required to carry out this operation. Tire shredder is an equipment which is us
Many within the trash industry think so. But incineration and other “waste-to-energy” projects may pose dangers to the environment.
What is to be done with the swelling flood of plastic waste, if we don’t want to see it snagged in tree branches, floating in ocean gyres, or clogging th
Addis Abeba: Jimma Institute of Technology announced that graduating students of the 2022 Mechanical Engineering class produced a machine that utilized inputs of plastic to output fuel.
It has been said that the fuel is made from recycled plastic which is heated and produces
WASHINGTON — Plastic bags and gasoline are two products that environmental advocates often lobby the public to stop using for the good of the planet. Now, scientists say there’s a way to turn plastic bags into a more sustainable source of fuel.
Researchers from California St
Project produces 60,000 litres of “optimised pyrolysis oil” from end-of-life tires
Dillingen, Germany – Tire recycling and sustainability initiative, the BlackCycle Project has reached a new milestone with the successful optimisation of waste tire pyrolysis process.
Project produces 60,000 litres of “optimised pyrolysis oil” from end-of-life tires
Dillingen, Germany – Tire recycling and sustainability initiative, the BlackCycle Project has reached a new milestone with the successful optimisation of waste tire pyrolysis process.
[Courtesy of SK Geo Centric]
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SK Geocentric, an SK Innovation subsidiary specializing in eco-friendly chemicals, announced on June 16 that it signed a business agreement with SUEZ, a French environmental company, and Loop Industries, a Canadian company with plastic recycling technology. Under the agreement, they wil