Newterra Stormwaterx Aquip Filtration System Receives General Use Level Designation (GULD) Approval From The Washington State Department Of Ecology
The Newterra StormwateRx Aquip Enhanced Filtration System has received performance recognition and certification from the Washington State Department of Ecology. Using its Technology Assessment Protocol – Ecology (TAPE), Washington State awarded the Aquip Filtration System a General Use Level Designation (GULD) for basic, enhanced and phosphorus treatments. With this designation, the StormwateRx Aquip System is approved for use on new and redevelopment projects with total suspended solids (TSS), dissolved copper, and zinc.
“The StormwateRx Aquip System is one of the only GULD-approved technologies designed for above-grade municipal or industrial retrofit applications. It is also the most straightforward technology for a municipality to maintain,” says Ted Lathrop, Professional Engineer (PE), Newterra Product Manager
The GULD approval was granted using the State of Washington TAPE’s rigorous evaluation protocol, and peer-reviewed regulatory certification process recognized nationwide. TAPE evaluations must be conducted in the field, at a site in the Pacific Northwest or a Department of Ecology-approved stormwater technology evaluation facility. Evaluation results must meet strict performance goals for one or more defined treatment categories.
About StormwateRx Headquartered in Portland, Oregon, StormwateRx designs, manufactures, installs, and maintains stormwater treatment systems for many customers worldwide. With its Clara, Aquip, Purus, and Zinc-B-Gone products, StormwateRx helps customers comply with strict discharge requirements by offering innovative, passive, modular solutions to keep site water discharge quality within prescribed limits. Especially adept at retrofitting existing sites, the talented team of engineers at StormwateRx are experts at designing solutions for stormwater and infiltration challenges.
About Newterra Newterra’s unique water and wastewater treatment solutions supply and support the global market. For decades, Newterra has been helping clients in various industries and sectors operate more efficiently, sustainably, and safely while helping our customers to solve their water and wastewater challenges. Newterra’s large installation base has established a strategic infrastructure to meet the needs of an increasingly thirsty planet. Our role in sustaining the world’s freshwater supply is a responsibility that drives everything we do.
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