It turns out my wardrobe has quite a lot in common with the Polly Pocket clothes I used to chew on as a kid: They both are made of a lot of plastic. In a quest to understand more about how our use of plastic is affecting the world, I wanted to figure out just exactly how the clothes I wear contribute to that.
I discovered that many of the stretchy, durable and soft fabrics that make up everything from my underwear to my winter jacket are made from synthetic fabrics. These fabrics, like other plastics, are made from fossil fuels. It’s estimated that 342 million barrels of oil are put towards their production every year .
In order to break that massive production into bite-size pieces, I took a look at three synthetic fabric types, though there are at least seven more in common circulation. The infographic below examines their manufacture, use and disposal and demonstrates how you may be interacting with and furthering plastic use right in your own closet.
But while considering all that, keep in mind that natural textiles — like cotton, flax, wool and silk — have their issues too. The production of cotton, for example, uses massive amounts of water; it’s estimated that it takes 2,700 liters of water to produce one cotton T-shirt. Pesticides and other agents used in the farming and manufacturing process can also contribute to groundwater pollution, according to the World Wildlife Fund .
Zoom in for more info about plastics below!
Maiya Focht is a science journalist passionate about all things STEM: from the brain to robotics to the biosphere. Prior to SHERP, she studied Neuroscience and Television, Radio and Film while working as a health and wellness beat reporter at NPR.
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Distinguished Writer in Residence, New York University
A project of the Science, Health and Environmental Reporting Program in the Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute at New York University. Theme by Garrett Gardner.