News from Alpek, Storopack and more - Plastics Recycling Update

2022-06-10 21:07:53 By : Ms. Cynthia Pan

Alpek finalized its $620 million acquisition of OCTAL, a PET sheet producer that uses RPET at a Cincinnati plant. 

The Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR) updated its PE film guidance documents. 

Agricultural film manufacturer Berry Global is collaborating with Cleanfarms and Poly-Ag to recover and recycle agricultural films.

Charter Next Generation invested in Plastic Flamingo (PLAF) to help the organization continue to collect and recycle 100 tons of ocean-bound plastic annually in the Philippines. 

Florida-based Ocean Recovery Group hired recycling industry leader Dave Kumar and environmental, social and governance (ESG) expert Ina Ballik to lead the company’s responsible recycling initiatives. 

Protective packaging manufacturer Storopack released a PE air pillow film using at least 50% post-consumer material. 

Basel, Switzerland-based Tide Ocean is using blockchain technology to provide proof of origin of its recycled ocean-bound plastic.

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If most community recycling programs don’t accept PE bags but some grocery stores do, are the bags legally considered recyclable?

The president of the Association of Plastic Recyclers calls an op-ed by The Last Beach Cleanup and Beyond Plastics an unfair and distorted assessment of the plastics recycling industry. He says now is the time for investments in recycling, not the abandonment of it.

A food-safety panel has approved applications from Indorama Ventures, Veolia, Coca-Cola Hellenic, NOVAPET and other plastic reclaimers to recycle PET in new food and drink packaging.

Producer responsibility advocates celebrated the signing of Colorado’s extended producer responsibility bill into law, but were left wanting in New York as two bills failed this session.

Globally, discarded plastic levels could nearly triple by 2060, with about half of the plastic ending up in landfill and less than a fifth recycled, an OECD report projected.

Texas-based Birch Plastics recently worked with a third-party auditor to verify its recycling process, a step more reclaimers and compounders are considering as end users look for certainty in their feedstock.

Iowa lawmakers have approved container deposit legislation that triples the bottle handling fee but allows grocery stores and other retail entities to opt out of the collection system, a fact that could significantly reduce redemption access.

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